список пакетов: https://www.opencsw.org/get-it/packages/
Get, Install and Configure
pkgadd -d http://get.opencsw.org/now
Setting up a local mirror
First, one must know that there are actually only three catalogs to choose from:
stable == legacy
testing == current == dublin
Packages in stable are quite old and won't be updated anytime soon.
Packages in testing are updated every now and then. They're not very recent, but not really old either. This is a good choice for the majority.
Packages in unstable get frequent updates and they're the most recent you can get on OpenCSW (except experimental packages). But they're not thoroughly tested and may be - as the name indicates - unstable. This may be a bad choice for production systems if you can't test these packages beforhand.
Use (With Examples)
Available packages
pkgutil -a | head
pkgutil -a geoip python
Compare packages
pkgutil -c
pkgutil -c php perl
pkgutil -C
Remove packages
pkgutil -r CSWrcs
System check
pkgutil -V
Package streams
pkgutil --stream --download -T sparc:5.10 nano
pkgutil -y -o - -ds bind | gzip > bind.pkg.gz
Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages
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